Events - February 2023
Committee for Development Policy
The Committee for Development Policy (CDP), a subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), advises the Council on a wide range of issues that are relevant for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Statistical Commission
The Statistical Commission consists of 24 member countries of the United Nations, elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council on the basis of an equitable geographical distribution. The term of office of members is four years.
Commission for Social Development
The 61st United Nations Commission for Social Development (CSocD61) will take place from 6 to 15 February 2023 in conference room 4 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The priority theme this year will focus on “Creating full and productive employment and decent work for all as a way of overcoming inequalities to accelerate the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.